March Monthly Service

On March 3, the March Monthly Service was performed joyously. A total of 122 attended the service. The sermon was delivered by Etsuko Isada. The opening talk was given by Bryton Wong. Following the lunch reception, the Women’s Association monthly gathering and drum and fife corps practice were held. 

February Monthly Service

On February 4, the February Monthly Service was performed joyously. A total of 99 attended the service. Rev. Tamotsu Kamio, Sunrise Church Minister, delivered the monthly sermon. Following the lunch reception, the Women’s Association monthly gathering and drum and fife corps practice were held.

Spring Grand Service

 On January 7, the Spring Grand Service was performed joyously. A total of 92 people attended the service. Rev. Yoichi Fukui, New York Center Minister, delivered the monthly sermon. Following the lunch reception, the Women’s Association monthly gathering and drum and fife corps practice were held.

Mochitsuki (Rice Cake Pounding)

On December 30, the annual Rice Cake Pounding was held at New York Center for the first time in four years since the pandemic. There is no doubt that many people were eagerly looking forward to the event. There were around 250 participants including those who helped in hinokishin.

December Monthly Service

On December 3 from 10 am, the December Monthly Service was held (102 attendees including service performers). The sermon was delivered by Kaori Fukui, Women’s Association New York District Head. The lunch reception was sponsored by Omen Restaurant and featured delicious udon noodles. In the afternoon, the Women’s Association monthly gathering was held.