Boys and Girls Association Service Convention

 On August 25, around 30 members of the New York District Boys and Girls Association(BGA) attended the annual Service Convention. With high spirits, the children performed Yorozuyo followed by Songs One to Four.

August Monthly Service

On August 4, the August Monthly Service was performed joyously. A total of 90 attended the service. The sermon was delivered by Kaori Tetsuka, New York Center Staff Minister. The opening talk was given by Natalie Yuge. Following the lunch reception, the Women’s Association monthly gathering and drum and fife corps practice were held.

July Monthly Service

On July 7, the July Monthly Service was performed joyously. A total of 105 attended the service. The sermon was delivered by Kokoro Ryono, the chairperson of New York District Young Men’s Association. The opening talk was given by Kohei Tetsuka. Following the lunch reception, women’s Association monthly gathering and drum and fife corps practice…

June Monthly Service

On June 2, the June Monthly Service was performed joyously. A total of 90 at- tended the service. The sermon was de- livered by Rev. Toshihiko Oiki, New York Center Staff Minister. Following the lunch reception, the second Action Day for All Yoboku was held. Participants watched a video mes- sage from Church Headquarters and…

Family BBQ hosted by YMA

On May 26 from 12 to 3 pm, the Young Men’s Association (YMA) hosted the Family BBQ, a casual barbecue event open to families and friends, at New York Center. We were blessed with beautiful weather and had a great turnout, including many students from TCI and friends and family of all ages. Many YMA…