BGA Service Convention

 On August 27, 34 members of the New York District Boys and Girls Association(BGA) attended the annual Service Convention. With high spirits, the children performed Yorozuyo followed by Songs One and Two.

August Monthly Service

 On August 6 from 10 am, the August Monthly Service was held (89 attendees including 46 service performers). The sermon was delivered by Inna Tarasiuk, New England Fraternity.

TSA Summer Event

On Saturday, August 5th, the NY District Students Association was successfully able to hold our summer event. With uncertainties regarding weather, we originally had a beach day planned, but ultimately chose to go to an escape room as our main event.

YMA Mission Caravan

From July 21 to 23, the Young Men’s Association was able to successfully hold a mission caravan to the idwest/Chicago region to connect with local followers with a total of four association members.

July Monthly Service

on July 2 from 10 am, the July Monthly Service was held (80 attendees including 41 service performers). The sermon was delivered by Yuji Yoshida, New York Center Staff Minister.