June Monthly Service / Installation Service

On June 5 from 10 am, the Eighth Minister Installation Service was spiritedly held. With restrictions on attendance lifted, a total of 95 people attended. The sermon was delivered by Bishop Hiroshi Fukaya, Mission Headquarters in America. Following the sermon, new minister Rev. Yoichi Fukui shared some of his thoughts on his appointment.

NY district Hinokishin Day

On May 1st, the annual New York District Hinokishin Day was held. Participants joined in picking up litter together  around the neighborhood (40 participants).

May Monthly Service

On May 1 from 10 am, the May Monthly Service was held. Following state guidelines, the service was performed with an increased number in attendance (97 people in total). The sermon was delivered by Mariko Shimizu, Tohon Grand Church Lay Minister.